Industry Loan

Imagine getting paid to do what you love!
The AID Bank’s new Line of Credit for the Micro, Small and Medium-sized (MSME) Enterprise has already began to boost the local productive sectors, namely: Agriculture & Fishing, Tourism and Industry, which includes Manufacturing, Services and Transportation.
As small business impact job-creation, revenue-generation and enhance their export capabilities for foreign exchange earnings, the AID Bank will continue to monitor the progress of its clients, and collaborate with affiliates locally, regionally and internationally to provide relevant technical support for their development and growth.
Our Offer
- Competitive Interest Rates
- Reasonable repayment period
- Optional Grace Period
- Flexible Security Arrangements
- Green Financing Other Special Conditions apply.
Use of funds
1. Manufacturing
- Agro-processing
- Soap production
- Beverage and water bottling
2. Services
- Professional firms
- Massage therapy
- Catering
- Website design and creation
- Graphic design
- Photography
3. Transportation
- Sea
- Air
- Land