Meet Our Team
The calibre and expertise of the professional and administrative staff of the AID Bank speaks to the excellence with which the bank performs.
Of significance is that the level of staff turnover within the DAIDB is regarded as low compared with regional and international norms, with the average length of service of the permanent staff being in excess of thirteen (13) years. We thank the general staff for their cooperation throughout the Bank’s challenging period of transformation. The management team at the helm of the organisation includes the following executives:

Ms. Marie-Therese Johnson
General Manager

Mrs. Nichol Faustin
Head of Credit

Mrs. Patricia Shillingford-Chambers
Manager Credit (Ag)

Ms. Mathilda John-Rose
Executive Manager Operations

Mrs. Hermina Albert
Senior Manager Human Resource and Administration

Mrs. Ruby Xavier
Manager Recoveries (Ag)

Ms. Tammy Jean-Jacques
Chief Financial Officer

Mr. Glenroy Eloi
Manager Industrial Estates (Ag)

Ms. Saudia Cyrus
Legal Officer/Corporate Secretary