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Agriculture and Fishing


Eat what you grow!

Expanding the Agriculture Sector remains a national priority.  The Dominica Agricultural Industrial and Development (DAIDB) / AID Bank continues to support the Nation’s effort to increase the Sectors’ contribution to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and to reduce the Food Import Bill.

Our Agriculture & Fishing loan product offers farmers the ideal opportunity to invest in traditional and non-traditional crops and fruits; and hydroponics. Funding is also available for locally produced livestock and poultry; as well as and fishing, to include aquaponics and related fishing equipment and accessories.

Our Offer

Use of funds

  • Agri-businesses
  • Crops
  • Equipment
  • Farm houses
  • Farm vehicles
  • Feeder roads
  • Fishing gear and equipment
  • Fishing vessels
  • Green Financing
  • Horticulture
  • Inputs
  • Labour
  • Livestock
  • Machinery and Equipment
  • Poultry
  • Other related Agricultural activities

You are a conversation away from a better life, Come talk with us 255-9400

Mission Statement

“To create value-added solutions focused on building employee, customer and shareholder confidence and satisfaction by improving quality of life through innovative products and services, facilitating social and economic investments and partnering with all our stakeholders.”