Dominica AID Bank
Address: P.O. Box 215, Cnr. Charles Avenue and Rawles Lane   Phone: (767) 255-9400

Agricultural Property At La Plaine

$ 53,732.00
The property is located at Balizer, within the upper La Plaine area, on the eastern side of Dominica . It is the rectangular-shaped, with a gentle slope off.

The property is located at Balizer, within the upper La Plaine area, on the eastern side  of Dominica .  It is the rectangular-shaped, with a gentle slope off.

The lot is accessed via an u​n-paved motorable road, which also leads to the picturesque Sari Sari Falls.

Bayleaf and cinnamon trees are currently planted on the property.

Address: Balizer, La Plaine
Categories: Land for Sale
Type: for sale

Land Information

Lot Size: 26866 sqft