The property is a residential lot. The lot is situated in the eastern village of La Plaine, in an area referred to as Balizer. It is accessed via the road leading to Sari Sari Falls the eastward along a concreted access road for a distance of about 100 feet. The lot occupies fairly flat land.
Pipe-borne Water, Electricity, Telephone and cable television service is a available near to the subject property.
The property is a residential lot with buildings thereon. The lot is situated in the eastern village of La Plaine, in an area referred to as Balizer.
The main building measures 202.5 square feet. The smaller structure is erected in un-rendered and unpainted concrete block walls and timber. An out-door kitchen and latrine are also located on the site.
The land is relatively flat and can be accessed via a right-of-way dirt road from the public road, above the site.
The property is cultivated with tree crops including breadfruit, mango, bay leaf, citrus and cocoa. |